
Be Inspired...... PoP ArT

Being one of the leaders in the Pop Art movement, I sometimes wonder if Andy Warhol ever in his wildest dream imagined that he would one day inspire so much creation. Now a days you can find pop art just about every where. You can find custom pieces or just make a statement with you own hand crafted pop art. One of the projects I'm currently working on was inspired by pop art. Lord knows I've been waiting to just go crazy with color. Pop art has a way of combining colors that some would never dare to use together in a space, and it somehow works. The bright and the bold colors paired with a hue that is a little less bold is almost genius to the eye. I plan to create a few custom Pop Art pieces for this project so stay tuned for the outcome. And if you have any pop art that you've created I would love it see it as well. Email me your best creations. 

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