
It's the First Lady's Birthday..... Happy Birthday Michelle Obama.

I am sending warm birthday wishes to My First Lady Mrs. Michelle Obama. I can't even put into words how much I admire and adore this woman. She is Black, Beautiful, and Intelligent, she is what I strive to be. Let's not even mention that she has the hottest dude in the game right now. Ha! Loves me some Barack. She has brought sooooo much style to the white house, and I don't think they were ready for it. I mean when was the last time you saw a First Lady rock the one shoulder look? And rock it Well. I can go on all day with the compliments I have for this woman. She seems so down to earth, like one of those aunt that you can go to for just about any thing. Let's ask auntie Michelle she'll have the answer. Still takes my breath away sometimes that our First Family looks a lot like mine. Happy Happy Birthday Mrs. Obama!!!!!!!!

Images courtesy of : First Lady of StyleSunraineyThe SwampFashion Bomb Daily,Celeb tv

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