
Just my thoughts..... Take a piece of me!

Thought I'd take some time out this morning to blog about myself. Yep just me! The little guy in the picture above is my four year old son aka my everything. 2011 has started as the year of eye opening situations and decisions. I see what's going on in front of me, around, even behind me and it's up to me to make the right decisions to better our lives. Being a single mother has given me a strength that I never new I had. It's allowed me to dream big, and put things in place to allow my dreams to become obtainable. We're only a few days into 2011 and already my list of goals is pretty long. Some short term a few long term ones but Hell as least I've got them. Can't tell you how many people I know that don't have one thing in mind they would like to accomplish before the year is out. First on my things to do in 2011 list is to make sure traffic picks up on the blog. So if your reading this right now, I'm kind of feeling like you like me ;-). Feel free to share My Love for Design with any friends and family that may enjoy as much as you. I appreciate all the love and support from my readers, friends, and loved ones. I swear I could not have done it without you all. Do people still live their lives by a motto? Well if so my motto for 2011 is Live, Love, Learn, and Thrive. 

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